For anyone interested, description and link below:
"Newcomer communities must have accurate and reliable health information to reduce the spread of COVID-19, which has caused them disproportionate harm.
Curious about how misinformation usually spreads online, or how gatekeepers in the community can be tapped in to support public health messaging?
Our panel will explore tools and strategies for combating the spread of misinformation in newcomer communities in the GTA, and for drawing on the strengths within those communities to share accurate information in culturally sensitive ways. We are bringing you three different perspectives from experts in the field about how settlement and health practitioners can make sure that service seekers have access to information that can improve public health and save lives.
We will explore how working directly with the community can meet the health information needs of newcomer and immigrant communities, as well as how community-based oral history methodology can support more equitable public health policies and interventions."