We would like to meet with agency staff that coordinate services that support immigrants, newcomers, and refugees from diverse communities. All three research studies include surveys created to gather community input and experiences. This Symposium is an opportunity for staff to get to know the research studies and for us to support the promotion of the surveys at organizations and to clients. There will be Q&A and networking opportunities to ask presenters questions, and for us to learn about initiatives at other agencies. All agencies working with South Asian communities are encouraged to send one (maximum two) staff to this event.
Parking is available free of charge at 201 Elizabeth Street which is a 10 minute walk from the Michener Institute. Please indicate to us if you need parking when you RSVP. If you have other accessibility requirements for parking, please let us know as soon as possible.
Dietary needs:
Please let us know if you have any dietary needs when you RSVP by May 1st.
Please let is know if you have any other accessibility concerns by May 1st.
Latest by May 1st
Please email
Please note that priority for this event will be given to agency staff serving South Asian and other diverse communities. Those not affiliated with an agency will be put on a waiting list until May 1st. If there is still space at the event, you will be notified of your confirmation of attendance.
9:15am: Registration, breakfast and networking
9:45am: Land acknowledgement and welcome
Research Study 1
10am: Research on Employment Equity
of South Asians in Toronto
Council of Agencies Serving South Asians
10:45am: Q&A
11:15: Break
Research Study 2
11:30am: Immigration and Employment Precarity
Research - Ensuring South Asian Representation in the GTA
University of Toronto and York University
12:30pm: Q&A
1pm: Hot Lunch
Research Study 3
2pm: Ethno-Cultural Barriers to Kidney Transplant
in South Asian Patients
Kidney Health Education and Research Group,
University Health Network
3pm: Q&A
3:30-4pm: Networking